Téléchargez des vidéos sur votre portfolio
Vous pouvez désormais ajouter vos vidéos, reels, fashion films et autres créations vidéo à votre portfolio sur Litmind, et ils ne diffuseront aucune publicité.
What if there was a version of Litmind for the film industry?
We're launching Starring, the new platform for actors, artists, producers and technicians of the film industry.
Six productivity ideas for quarantined photographers
Here are some ideas to recharge your inspiration batteries, improve your portfolio without leaving your home and get ready for the action when the quarantine finishes
Statistics about your Litmind profile
Discover how many times your photos were seen, who liked them, click counts, visits, views and much more.
Publish your work in fashion magazines
Inspire the world, push the limits of fashion photography and supercharge your artist career, now you can submit your work to be published in fashion magazines with Litmind.
Travel notices
When you're going to travel, publish a travel notice so photographers there will be notified
Bye bye banners
Banners are ugly, and Litmind is about beauty. So we got rid of them.
The new Litmind messenger
A new way to connect with photographers, models and stylists and coordinate your team for your next fashion photography production
Show the before & after of your photos
Showcase your true talent by uploading photos that allow the viewer to reveal the before & after of your digital retouch
Litmind for iOs and Android
Discover the app that lets you plan, produce and promote your fashion shootings, or join castings and launch your career
The lightboxes
Compile profiles or photos by saving them into lightboxes, download your moodboards in PDF, print them or share them with your client or your team
Commercial jobs disguised as TFP
In a TFP collaboration job, the photographer, the models, the stylists and the assistants are working completely free of charge. When someone earns money in a TFP, something doesn't adds up.
Tips for organizing a photo-shoot
You'll find plenty of tools on Litmind to organize your professional or collaboration photo projects from start to finish. Make the most out of them with this tricks.
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