Share your photographic adventures

Post a slide to share your photographic adventures with your followers. A making-of, a mad creative idea or anything else.

Février 2021

Slides are a great way of keeping in touch with the people that loves your work at Litmind. We like to think of them like Tweets or Instagram posts, but focused on your activity around photography, modelling, make-up or fashion design, for instance.

Create a slide now

Keep your followers up to date about your ideas, our adventures, your making-ofs or anything else. Here are some examples:

Discover more slides from other users under the "Discover" menu option, or setup your notifications in the Configuration section of your account if you don't want to be notified when someone mentions you in a slide.

Téléchargez des vidéos sur votre portfolio
Vous pouvez désormais ajouter vos vidéos, reels, fashion films et autres créations vidéo à votre portfolio sur Litmind, et ils ne diffuseront aucune publicité.
Plusieurs profils
Vous pouvez désormais connecter plusieurs profils sur Litmind en même temps et passer rapidement de l’un à l’autre. Idéal pour les artistes aux multiples facettes.
Organize your private chats
Now you can keep your chats organized and find them in a glimpse with the chat search.
Create PDFs with selections of models
Send photo moodboards or model selections to your clients or to your team, or print them.
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