Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

🌎Where is the best place to live?🌍

🌍Perhaps many people have asked a similar question. Have you ever had similar thoughts?🧐

🌏Some may even specifically single out a country, city or district of a city, while others do not mind living where, in fact, they are already, only making their abode more comfortable.😊😁

🌎Sometimes people highlight only a certain feature of the climate in which they would like to be and complain about their own: "I wish it was warmer now" or "well, damn, it's too hot here"😅 🙃

Few also determine the place of residence of their dreams using affordable technologies. Perhaps it will be a developed city with many amenities and a dense population, or some suburb, village or village where, perhaps, everything is not so rapidly developed, but there is an opportunity to stay closer to nature :) 😉

🌏 And what does your ideal place for living look like? Do you want to live in a big city or would you rather choose a village? Feel free to leave your comments under the post and share your ideas! It will be very interesting for me to get to know you better! 🤗😌


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