Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

What do you hate about autumn?

Most people who start talking about autumn and the seasons, in principle, highlight only one of its advantages, for example, its beauty.

Many even love autumn and they have their reasons for it, but do you love it? I think there are not only pros but also cons in autumn, just as the actors' performances have their own hard work behind the scenes. 😔

What do you personally dislike about autumn? For example, I don't like autumn rains very much. They are cold and not very pleasant. 😥Getting out of bed in the morning and looking out the window behind which, even if it is shallow, but it is raining, the desire to go somewhere is already fighting off and, in principle, leaves the house:(😞

🍁And what other disadvantages do you yourself see in autumn? Or are you still a lover of it and ready to endure all the hardships? Rather, leave your opinion in the comments, I can't wait to get to know you better and take note of your opinion! :) 😉


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