Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

🪄 The magic of photo processing 🪄

As each photographer gains experience, a personal, recognizable style in processing is developed.

Photo processing is magic for me. ✨ In a creative impulse, I can sit at work until the morning...

In the question of how to make photos – bright or muted, I rely on my intuition. Everything happens automatically, I "feel" the picture, and I know how to refine the image, place accents, evoke the necessary emotions...

Also, I always listen to my client: what kind of shooting plan he wants. Perhaps it will be content 🤳for social networks, classic portrait or strict 👩💼 photos for a website, romantic 💕 history, vintage, retro...

Considering the idea, I am making every effort to make each picture a beautiful work of art in its own way.


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