Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

😌 Photo shoot as a way of relaxation

The great French photographer 📸 Henri Cartier-Bresson said: "Photography is meditation in an instant."
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I have a regular client who, at one of the shootings, shared that a photo shoot for her is a way of relaxation.
Thus, she is distracted from everyday problems, routine, from eternal deadlines at work...
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This method allows her to relax, relieve tension, restore internal resources...
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Each time we select locations together, think over the image, discuss the details. It can be a walk in the forest, or in a city park, a photo shoot in an atmospheric studio, or a flight of fantasy and complete transformation...
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I am waiting for everyone to join me at a photo shoot 😉
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ph: @safronoviv_photo
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#photographiccamera #portraitphoto #childrensphotosessioninMoscow #photoshootinMoscow #azure #chin #eyeliner #eyebrow #eyelash #hairstyle #lip #neck #shoulder #skin #NikonD800 #safronoviv_photo

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