Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

How to find a New Year's mood?

No New Year's mood? It's time to create it for yourself! As they say: "Don't wait for a miracle, do it yourself!".

Decorate the apartment: garlands, tinsel, wreaths. Dress up the Christmas tree, be creative. Play Santa Claus or Snow Maiden for your own or any other children. Go to the New Year's fair, buy nice little things and gifts.

Find out about the pre-holiday events 🎇 in the city and plan to visit them. Eat tangerines. Watch 🎥 Christmas movies...

And also come to me for a New Year's photo shoot! I will create a fabulous atmosphere for your pictures so that you can fully experience the charm of your favorite holiday.

Do you have any special traditions and rituals that help you feel the New Year's mood? Share it in the comments.


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