Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie


🌾For sure, we all remember our childhood, our school time. In those days, the most long-awaited was the onset of summer, which brought with it a lot of bright emotions and a long-awaited vacation! :)

🌾We imagined all this sitting at the desk especially vividly in recent days. And now, the holidays have come! We were all happy then, because we had three whole months ahead of us without such a boring school! 😉😁

🌾Often, these three months were the brightest months of the year. We were all happy living them. It was during these months that many visited their grandparents, attended various events, went to the camp.. I can't list it right away, because every summer we found classes brighter and brighter, which still remain in our memory.Do you
your brightest summer? Do you remember those vivid emotions you experienced at that moment? Then feel free to share your little stories in the comments! It will be interesting for me to read each of them! ☺️😁

Ph: @safronoviv_photo


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