Photographe à Barcelona

Exploring with a responsible ecological conscience

It is argued that more than 80% of the ocean is unexplored, and this gives many possibilities if we continue to discover the marine universe with a responsible ecological conscience. It is a universe as fascinating as the extraterrestrial cosmos.
The cosmos and the ocean have a very close relationship. It is one of the reasons why I did my ECOBALANCE project. We are made of stars. Mentioning Sagan's famous phrase.

That’s why I wrote as well a literary essay about it… Link in bio (my web/ Essays)

“In 2011, the discovery of liquid water in the comet Wild 2 gave rise to various theories. The water composition of comets was different from the terrestrial one until the finding in November of the same year of 103/Hatley that came from Jupiter, its composition was very similar to the water of our oceans. (Tristan 2011). These discoveries gave rise to the theory that the mystery of the origin of terrestrial water could be explained, and that it came to Earth from space and this discovery drove more interest towards the spatial search for water on other planets.” (…)

“In any case, we know that human destiny is bonded to the Earth, and we know that nature will open its way and will remain in perpetual transformation after our leave, thus we should not forget that it is us who need nature and not the other way around. Today we have the opportunity to change the course of human history by training our minds and assuming responsibility.”

Ecology is one of the bases on which my artistic work develops.
I have been working on that purpose for some years now and have various series/projects related to ecology and the ocean mostly.
There is a
initiative that motivates artists to raise awareness about our need to protect our ocean.

With this picture, I join the initiative of AdobeGenCreate and theoceanagency

I hope it motivates you!





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