Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

🎉Birthday of the washing machine🎉

🎉Just imagine how much time, effort and money such a seemingly simple at first glance, but still quite unusual, washing machine saves us every day?Can you
your life without this device? Every day, we would need a lot of laundry and water, which is not very practical. It would waste a lot of our personal time and effort, as well as a lot of water and chemicals, which is not very good for the ecology of the whole planet.😌🙃

🎉Today-March 28, the first washing machine was patented. It happened in the USA in 1797. The first washing machine was a wooden box with a sliding frame.How
do you imagine your life without this technology? Do you consider it necessary and would you be able to do without it? Write comments, I will read each of them with interest.☺️😉🎉Birthday of the washing machine🎉

🎉Just imagine how much time, effort and money such a seemingly simple at first glance, but still quite unusual, washing machine saves us every day?🤔😁

Can you imagine your life without this device? Every day, we would need a lot of laundry and water, which is not very practical. It would waste a lot of our personal time and effort, as well as a lot of water and chemicals, which is not very good for the ecology of the whole planet.😌🙃

🎉Today-March 28, the first washing machine was patented. It happened in the USA in 1797. The first washing machine was a wooden box with a sliding frame.😁

How do you imagine your life without this technology? Do you consider it necessary and would you be able to do without it? Write comments, I will read each of them with interest.☺️😉


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