Photographe à Moscow, Moskva, Russie

🍏5 foods that are always in my refrigerator

I try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, in my kitchen there is always the most healthy food that prolongs life and supplies the body with vitamins. Today I want to share with you 5 products that are almost always in my refrigerator.

🫐Blueberries. Improves vision and slows down the aging process. Normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is useful for people with anemia and for its prevention. Of course, you can't get it all year round, but you can make stocks, and then plant compote (the main thing is not to pour water hotter than 60 degrees).

Nuts: pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts and others. All of them fill the body with energy, minerals and vitamins. Improve memory.

🦪Fish. Preferably salmon or other oceanic fish containing a large amount of fish oil. Helps to clean blood vessels. And it's very easy to cook it.

🍅Persimmon. This is a natural storehouse of vitamins: A, P, E. I always buy it in winter. I love a soft, ripe one that melts in my mouth. I feel worse about the binder.

🥙Sea cabbage. Contains spirulina, which prolongs life and helps the brain to avoid senile dementia. And a great addition to salads.

Of course, there are also dairy products and other vegetables. But it is all of the above that I love and buy most often.

And what products do you consume?
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