Garrigosa Studio

It's time to talk about spanish product! Technical, perfectionist and creative, Garrigosa Studio is a great example of all of this. Based on Barcelona, this studio have created some of the great spanish advertising works. Indeed, each time they participate in the spanish national professional photography contest, the Lux Awards, they won something. And not only in one category, but in advertising, still life, portrait, nude, fashion, editorial ...

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À travers de numero f
All photos by: Garrigosa Studio

Retro wave
Discovering the Retrowave style in the fashion films by the photographer Alexander Sudin, pure retro inspiration with 80s synthesizers and VHS video cameras.
I wanted to be
About the masks we use to protect ourselves, and the ones we cannot get rid of. A work by Celia Suárez using a techique that mixes photography with paint.
Derek Pedros walks us through his work with the dancer Javier Arozena, where he reflects on the union of nature, human-made architecture and the living beings.
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